Sunday, December 27, 2009

What are good uncomplicated soccer drills for a beginner to do by himself?

some witches hats ( or similar ) in a line to dribble on both feet and co-ordinate right to left and vice versa . good luckWhat are good uncomplicated soccer drills for a beginner to do by himself?
hmm... well there are small footwork drills you could do.

foundation- this is passing the ball between the inside of both of your feet. back and forth. You kind of do it with your knees bent a little and on your toes (just not flat footed). If its done right its also done a little on a hop.

pull back- all you do is place the bottom of your foot on top of the ball and pull back so the ball hits your laces. then switch feet and just keep doing it.

oh juggling is good- this takes practice but juggling is just hitting the ball with different parts of your body while keeping it up in the air, but making it controlled. to start off easy would be to pick the ball up then drop it to your thigh, your thigh hits it up and you hit it with your thigh again. Or just try to keep the ball up with any part of your body, thats legal of course. try to keep it as close to you as you can and get as many touches as you can. P.S. it can get frustrating but if you keep at it you'll go from 2 to 20 to 50 and sometimes into the hundreds.

shooting with a target- if you make a goal out of anything and mark a spot that you want to hit for accuracy.

dribbling- just set up some cones and use combinations of the inside, outside, and laces of your feet to go through them.

you could also set up the cones, dribble through, then take a shot on goal.

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