Get together with friends, ask them all the questions you have, get them to give you pointers, especially on cradling. If you still feel under prepared, theres clinics all over the place. Look into it and you'll find one without difficulty.
Getting in shape:
RUN! Run 3 or 4 miles each day if you can, I can understand if its not everyday- I don't like to run either ;)
LIFT!: Not quite as important, but it defintly helps. Your school probably has a weight room. Look into it and see.
Good Luck!What would be the best way to learn lacrosse for a beginner? I am 14 and a freshman the tryouts are 2/18/08?
The best way for you to get a feel of the game is if you meet some of the girls that are on the team or if you know someone who played for a couple of years. You can ask them to help you and they'll tell you if you should go to a lesson and they can help you so much with the game.
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